Posts Tagged ‘WA’

Accompanist Clone! – Yes, Now You Can!

August 19, 2010

If you are a pianist/accompanist and you will totally relate to this video!

Really hilarious!

Danza Negra by Camargo Guarnieri

August 16, 2010

6 Easy Tips For Reading Music

August 7, 2010

Over the years of teaching and performing, I have encountered people who were often quite amazed how musicians are able to manage so many skills at once. “How can you understand all these black dots on the page? How do you know what they mean and what you are supposed to do?”, they asked.

Music reading may seem very difficult and intricate, but it is actually quite simple once you understand the nuts and bolts. It is certainly possible to play music without knowing how to read music, just like it is possible to speak without knowing how to read or write. However, musicians need to be very versatile in today’s world, and it is very important to know as many skills as possible. So, learning to read music should be definitely is on the top of the list.

If you are a musician at a professional or amateur level, learning to read sheet music can help you to be aware and identify music theory, help you to communicate your musical ideas to others on rehearsals and performances, allow you to play music you never heard before and even write your own music.

Music reading is a skill that could take sometime to master, but it is definitely doable and I’ll be covering some of the important foundations in a series of 5 blogs to get you started: “Staff”, Clefs“, “Keys Signatures“, “Time Signature“, “Pulse and Rhythm“, and “Grouping All Together“. Finally, I will be giving some further resources and websites you can use to find more information and practice your reading music skills.

Stay tune for the upcoming blogs!

My First Video Blog!

August 7, 2010

This is my very first video blog of many more coming soon! Once a week, I plan to post a video blog with different pieces for piano and hopefully some collaborations with musicians around Spokane! Please, feel free to subscribe and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks! =)